Its been a long time since I’ve taken on a new project – life has been pretty hectic (but in a good way!) for these past few years – but I think I’m finally ready to move forward with something a little different.
After much thinking (and many sleepless nights fueled by cup after cup of coffee) I’ve settled on my newest plan – a helpful blog / advice column where I can provide my own insights and wisdom to help all of you, my readers and fans, in your everyday lives.
I’ve been dishing out thoughtful suggestions for years, to the point where my friends and family actively seek me out when they’re having problems. And while this can be as much of a burden as it is a blessing sometimes, I know that it’s because I’ve been given a talent for helping others.
So here we are. There isn’t much up on this site yet but that will be changing in the near future. I’m not the world’s most skilled web designer, but I’m figuring this all out as I go. Thankfully it hasn’t been all that difficult yet, but we’ll see what happens when I get a little deeper in.
In the near future I plan to create a page that allows you to seamlessly email me with your questions, directly from the website. Check back in the next week or two because I should have that feature up and functional by then.
In the meantime, take care of yourself and think up some good ideas for future blog posts for me!!